After coffee Ian and Diana, and then Diogo and Peter arrive. The surf is flat, so we sit around talking about the world and places we have been. We have all got along so well, so we all exchange email addresses and phone numbers. I met Diogo over the next few days, as he will be in the area. I hope to meet Ian and Diana again back in Cornwall.
Steve and I have both planed to do some exploring over the next few days, as the surf will be flat. We will probably meet back at Malhao on Sunday. I head towards Grandola, as I have seen signs for a Motorhome breakers there. The town is bigger than I expect, and I don’t find the breakers. I do a little shopping and head on to Evora. The signposted road to Evora is not good, and I regret not following my GPS unit, which I think may have taken me on a better road. The views where good, although something on the van did hit the road with a bang, after I drove over a really bumpy part of the road. I got out and checked, but all seemed fine.
Arriving at Evora I headed straight for the Orbitur campsite. I am tired and it is nice to be in a campsite. I think I will stay here for 2 nights, spending tomorrow exploring the city.