The winds are onshore in the morning, so I take a drive to Lagos. Almost everyone leaves Amado. I find a great little table that someone has left near the rubbish. I clean it later and it comes in very useful. The drive to Lagos is longer than I expect, and takes in quite a few hills. The scenery is good though.
Lagos is bigger than I expect. Despite the development it is quite pleasant. I stop at the Intermache for supplies. I take a drive to Praia Meia. It is a beautiful big beach. I can see that it would be a great holiday destination in the summer. Today is a little overcast, but it is still warm and nice to be at the beach. I hunt around for a WiFi connection, as it has been a while since I was online. I don’t find one, after much searching. I decide to take a walk into town. It is nice, but full of Brits (including me!). I don’t find a book shop, but stop in a phone shop. I ask about the GPRS cards, but the helpful guy says that you need to be a Portuguese resident. Otherwise it is very expensive. I think I will stick to Wifi for internet access. I will probably spend the winter in the area, moving between just a few beaches.
I look again for a WiFi connection. The central town area is supposed to be a free WiFi zone. I can get several signals that suggest it is the free network, but it never works. I try several more, with no luck. On my way out of town I stop at a free car park and try again. I get a low signal. Now I can use this when necessary.
I go back to the Praia Meia beach and park up. I chat to a guy in an old Irish motorhome. He is old guy, and talks a lot. So much in fact that over the next couple of hours he talks and talks and talks. I am never sure if he is lying of not. He seems to remember his stories, but has so much to say. Every time a topic comes up he has so many stories and side stories. I eventually make excuses and leave. Even then he chats more as I go to my van. He is a nice guy, but boy, can he talk.
I make a curry in the evening and chill out. Tomorrow I am hoping to go to Luz for a surf.