saturday 27/07/2013 We came to a bit of a standstill for the last two weeks with one family problem or another,the week i booked off was the nicest hottest week in my memory but there came a problem It started to melt the carpet glue so we had carpet dropping off the walls ..we cured this by leaving all the doors open to get air through the van,but by the mid morning it was 30 degrees plus and here came another issue we humans aren,t made to cope with high temperatures the best intentions soon went awol as soon as the sun was high we headed indoors to keep cool,but we have made up for our laziness and we know have the zig unit,consumer unit,240 hook up point all fitted and ready to use,i tried to skimp on materials by using standard 1.5mm cable but after reading on the forums i changed this to 2.5mm 3 core,2.5mm 2 core with earth and 1.5mm for the fridge