In the morning all of the Spanish weekend visitors have left the turismo car park in El Palmar. I have run out of gas and head into Conil. I have a drive along the seafront, and then into the town. I find the Euroski supermarket, which is too central for my liking, but I can park on a side street. I get my supplies and then try and locate a gas bottle. The fuel garage across the road only seems to have large Repsol bottles. I head into town and see a couple of potential hardware stores. I park at the other end of town, and take the empty bottle with me. I try a hardware store, but they don’t sell gas. I get Spanish instructions for a gas bottle shop, I just about understand them. I find the place, but he directs me to somewhere nearer the supermarket, I don’t understand much of what he says though. I find a fishing shop, but they send me also in the direction of the supermarket. I head that way, and check the fuel garage again. There I see some CampinGaz bottles, right where I started from! I exchange and pay and head back to the van. Where I am parked I get a WiFi signal, so not all was a lose.
I head back to Trafalgar. There are a few vehicles here, so it seems the police are allowing camping again. The waves are very small today. At about 6pm the swell picks up a bit, and 2 Spanish guys go in. I join them and have a couple of really nice waves. It is the most enjoyable surf I have had in a long time, maybe on the entire trip. I now realise Portugal was pretty much a waste of time, the waves being far too big and powerful. However I know a lot more now, and find it easy surfing here now.
In the evening I make a lovely pumpkin, chick pea and banana curry. I watch a movie. I find it hard to sleep, which has happened a lot recently.