
Porridge is a great way to start a cold winter morning. Oats are available at any large supermarket.


  • Porridge oats (may just be labeled as oats) – about 3/4 cup per person
  • Milk
  • Optional: Banana, jam, chocolate spread


Add the porridge oats to a pan. Add milk to the required consistency. Bring to a near boil, and then simmer for about 5 minutes.

Try adding pieces of banana when cooking to give a great alternative flavour. Smaller chunks dissolve, larger chunks do not. Also stir in a spoonful of jam or chocolate spread once in the serving bowl. Kids love jams, chocolate spread and banana added to the porridge.

  1. its not the scottish way
    its not the scottish way


  2. Porridge
    I found that letting the oats soak in the pan for a while helps to make them taste more creamy. I use skimmed milk (because i’m old) and add half a dessertspoonful of honey for sweetness and added energy. That’ll keep me going until lunchtime!


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