Driving in Europe


To drive in Europe ensure you have the following paperwork in order, and in your vehicle when you leave. Leave a photocopy at home.

  • V5 owners log book
  • Insurance – for all drivers, ensure all the countries you will visit are covered.
  • Road tax
  • Vehicle inspection certificate (MOT in the UK)
  • Driving licenses

Note: Bail bonds are no longer required for Spain.

Things you must keep in the vehicle

To drive a vehicle in Europe you must carry the following in the vehicle

  • Reflective jacket for the driver, which you must where when getting out of the vehicle on a motorway.
  • Warning triangle (2 are required in Spain) – available for about €3 in French supermarkets
  • Spain bulb kit (Spain). Could also avoid a police fine if you are stopped for a defective light, and you fix it there and then.

Driving on the right hand side (for the British, Australians, South Africans, etc.)

Traffic of every country in continental Europe drives on the right hand side. If you come from a country that drives on the left hand side, such as Briton or Australia, you will need to adjust to driving on the right hand side. Don’t worry, most people adjust very quickly. Most people find driving a vehicle they are used to (one from the UK) is easier, as this prevents having to get used to a different vehicle type as well as road layout.

Driving without a passenger in Europe with a UK vehicle

If you have a passenger the only problems you will face when driving a UK vehicle on the continent is seeing around the traffic in front when overtaking. If you don’t have a passenger then you will find it difficult seeing traffic from the left when pulling out of junctions. Fitting an additional rear view mirror to the left hand side of the windscreen can help. You will also have to slide across the vehicle at toll-roads and campsite barriers, etc.