Hello again!
Just two places we can panel out that will provide a small amount of storage, but in a small van every inch is valuable.
First job, if there is room, pop in a shelf or two! PIC 1
With your shelf/shelves in place you will need to make a cardboard template for the panel, in fact you will finish up making 2 or more before you get it right, once the template fits, mark out on your plywood sheet, then cut out about 10mm from the line, offer it up and you may well find you need some of that 10mm, remember you can always trim it back, but can-not put it back on!!Another tip, mark out on the reverse side of your plywood, then your jig saw will cut on the up stroke and you will get a clean edge!
Template Pic 2
Once you are happy with your effort, consider a little professional finishing touch before you actually fit it. Pipe round the edge, for this you will need material, rope and glue. Don’t rush out and spend loads, just use any cotton material you can find around the , house, old curtains are fine, rope, you must have something in the workshop, glue? PVA is best.
Pic 3 Material & rope, Pic 4 Material wrapped round rope and glued, don’t try to fix to panel to soon, remember almost dry/set is best, Pic 5 then glue the material to the back edge of panel, Pic 6 then again when almost dry(you may need to ease the piping a little it’s easier if glue still damp) fix your panel in place and admire!
More next time! regards Bill