In the morning Steve and I head up to the Rock again. We stop at a pub for coffee, and get chatting to a Gibraltan and his family. We find out more about the people here. There are 20,000 residents and a further 10,000 visitors. Most speak English and Spanish. He head out onto the streets and have a look around. We walk towards the marina and see a beautiful big yacht being refitted.
Steve wanted to buy a laptop and after checking out most of the shops we find a good deal and Steve buys it. We head to a chippy and have some fish and chips. We head back to the vans to drop Steve’s laptop off. Whilst we are there I see a dodgy guy looking in my van, and Steve sees two guys checking him out whilst he is using his laptop.
In the afternoon we head back up to Gibraltar. We stop at a bar and watch the England vs Wales Six Nation game, which England loose. It was nice to be in the bar with the atmosphere. After we head up further into town. We see Micahel, the Aussie guy we met, with a cute girl. Steve and I decide to get some food, and find a small but busy Indian restaurant. I order for us both, and typically order too much. Whilst we are stuffing ourselves Michael comes in and tells us of the bar where they are moving to. As this is such a nice gesture Steve and I conclude that it must be because the cute girl likes us! Anyway, after our food we try and find the bar the Aussies are in. We look for a while, finding a bar that Steve is keen on, as he things the people inside are ‘partying’. We head back into town and eventually find the Aussies. They are moving to another bar, and we join them. Once we get there Steve is keen to go back to the ‘party’ bar. We go back, and order drinks. We get chatting to two guys, who are both originally from the UK. These guys talk total cobblers to us for 20 minutes. We finish our drinks and leave. We decide to head back to the vans, as it’s getting late. As we are about to walk through the tunnel out of town I hear a great band playing, and we go in to check them out. They are a good band, and it is a good bar. We meet the marines and the Aussies there. I get chatting to the cute Aussie girl, called Cheryl. After several waters and another beer Steve and I are getting to our drinking limit. The Aussie girl is boring me and I can’t be bother with anything that might happen.
We head back to the vans. After a smoke we crash out.