
Slovakian border crossings

At Kosice vehicles and passports are checked on the Hungarian side, but often nothing is checked inside Slovakia.

Roads in Slovakia

A vignette is required when driving on motorways and certain main roads. This costs SKK 150 (£2.80) for 7 consecutive days. Vignette information is not displayed at borders or on motorways. The vignette comes in two parts: one you stick on the windscreen and on the other part you write the vehicle registration number and keep it in a safe place to be produced if required. The first many people are aware of the need for the vignette is when they are stopped and fined by the police when driving on a motorway. Signs displayed on some major roads (other than motorways) state in English "vehicles over 3500 kg’s with payment". Motorhomes over 3500kgs are restricted to 80 kph (50 mph) on main roads and motorways and a 15 consecutive day vignette will cost SKK 750 (about £13.90) there are no extra costs when towing a trailer. Unmarked police cars do patrol the roads.

Supplies in Slovakia

Diesel (£0.72 per litre) and LPG (£0.38 pence) widely available.
Cash machines are plentiful and they work.


Campsites in Levoca

Autocamping Levocska, near Levoca

The site consisted mainly of a hotel and cabins. The camping area was very uneven and difficult to approach. We managed to get stuck in the mud and had to use our tread mats to move off in the morning. Extreme care needed in wet weather, site not suitable for large outfits even in fair weather. The facilities we used in the main hotel block were very good. There is also a restaurant on the site. About SKK 410 per night.

Tatra Mountains

Campsites in the Tatra Mountains

Pension Villa Betula Caravan Club

At lake Liptovska. An excellent site. First class facilities and an excellent restaurant. SKK 500 per night.

Eurocamp FFIC

At Tatranska Lomnica. Very large site facilities. Very clean but well worn. SKK 400 per night.