
Where ever you travel with your camper van or motorhome, it is likely that you will want to visit cities. Due to the high traffic volume in cities, driving is more difficult that in rural areas. If you have a large vehicle, such as a motorhome, then driving becomes even more difficult. Parking especially can be more difficult. Here are some tips to help you enjoy visiting cities.

  1. Park at campsites

    As parking is often difficult in cities, try staying in a campsite. Whilst there leave your vehicle there. Most campsites have a bus service that runs to the city. Good campsites will give you the timetable, and tell you which buses to catch. If you have bicycles, and the campsite is reasonable close to the city, cycle in. Also consider using taxis to get into and out of the city.

  2. Park at the edge of cities

    If you do wish to park near the city, try parking away from the centre and walking or cycling into the centre. Away from the heart of the city the roads and parking spaces will be bigger and easier to negotiate. If you do leave your vehicle make sure you know where it is! Write down the street or suburb name.

    Note: All cities suffer from crime. When your vehicle is in the city thieves will see it and target it. Consider parking in a secure car park.

  3. Use secure parking facilities

    To avoid the risk of damage or break-ins to your vehicle use secure parking facilities. Many secure parking facilities cannot accommodate large vehicles, so ask around. Airports are often good places for secure parking. Airports also have easy bus and train links to city centers.

  4. Stay at hotels

    If you would like to stay in the heart of the city, and cannot find a campsite, try staying at a hotel. Ensure the hotel has a parking space for your vehicle.