Looking for templates ideas to ply line my dispatch

Home Forum topic Campervan Conversions Looking for templates ideas to ply line my dispatch

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    I’m going to try and make a day van out of my 08 dispatch but i’m struggling with the ply lining.
    i would like to ply line the van like the photo below but ain’t got a clue how to make templates for the van so that i can cut the ply as close to a good fit as possible. I currently have the usual ply line kits fitted but i’m looking to get this effect if possible.


    There are several ways of
    There are several ways of making really close fitting panels.

    1. Using thin pieces of cardboard, make a templates that fits tightly, cutting the cardboard with scissors.
    Flip the cardboard over the make the templates for the other site.

    2. Use a scribing tool to draw the shape of the counter onto the plywood directly.

    I would go for option 1.

    Use a jigsaw when cutting the ply, to round of your pencil lines.
    Use 6mm plywood to allow it bend to the shape of the van walls.


    There are several ways of
    There are several ways of making really close fitting panels.

    1. Using thin pieces of cardboard, make a templates that fits tightly, cutting the cardboard with scissors.
    Flip the cardboard over the make the templates for the other site.

    2. Use a scribing tool to draw the shape of the counter onto the plywood directly.

    I would go for option 1.

    Use a jigsaw when cutting the ply, to round of your pencil lines.
    Use 6mm plywood to allow it bend to the shape of the van walls.

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